I have done 2 unusual things and rarely made by someother people to the engine block..
1) zinc chromate coating (green colour) for surface protection than later srayed with grey colour
2)I had replaced all the water jacket with alluminium alloy plate as picture belows.the benefit of doing it is, it will last longer and reduce corrosion that leads to leaking and high engine temperature...
after installation of piston and con rod. ensure for free of rotaion.
this is what i forgot to mention in the early post. the arrow shows piston skirt that has been grainded. without grainding it will hit the crank .
1) zinc chromate coating (green colour) for surface protection than later srayed with grey colour

2)I had replaced all the water jacket with alluminium alloy plate as picture belows.the benefit of doing it is, it will last longer and reduce corrosion that leads to leaking and high engine temperature...

after installation of piston and con rod. ensure for free of rotaion.

this is what i forgot to mention in the early post. the arrow shows piston skirt that has been grainded. without grainding it will hit the crank .

anther one more thing to mention is.. the arrow show CA18 bearing key, which is different in location compared with original GSR. key for GSR is at the edge of the big end. so make sure you buy CA18's conrond bearing to fit in your engine.
in my case, conrod bearing become problem when i change supercharger piston but still using 4G93T conrod..what must i do..please
ReplyDeletecon rod bearing? what kind of problem is that. i belief that your con rod wirst pin is actually much more smaller to be fitted to supercharge piston. coz piston superch pin is 20mm and your gsr con rod pin(small end) is 19mm. so have to make the con ron pin bushing much more larger.and there is alot of mechine shop can do it.
ReplyDeletehi sir, i'm from the philippines and i drive a ck4a with a 4g92 sohc engine. just obtained a g93t block. the 4g93t head here is so hard to find, so right now i'll be doing a 4g93t sohc hybrid build. the block (which is being cleaned at the moment) is stock everything. i'm also using 4g92 mivec intake manifold and 390cc injectors. turbo is a t25 by the way!
ReplyDeletewhat fuel management system would you recommend?
and i love reading this blog, its quite informative, especially with the comparison on the pistons/rods/etc. it really helps 4g93 newbs such as myself. so thanks and i'm looking forward for more posts! :D
thank you for reading..if u ask my opinion on what fuel mngmt system for ur current setup, i would say this..depending on ur budget and ur future target:-
ReplyDelete1) u can have 4g93t ecu to fit in with e-manage. why require e-manage.? becoz 4g93/92 ecu not supporting 390cc injectors. so better use 4g93t ecu..however 4g93t ecu is more accurate for DOCH while u r using SOCH..then e-manage is required. it is to precise fuel to power gain for ur engine..but if u use derect with 4g93t ecu also no problem,some malaysian people do it without emanage but power slightly diff.
2) u can have after market ecu like haltech new generation. why? haltech really advancing their ecu for street application, can do race too..or u can have microtech as it is more suitable for race but can be use for street applications.the only thing in philippines, u need to find the tuners
bro. whre did u get those aluminium alloy for water jacket? and how much is d cost? hope u'll reply. :) thx
ReplyDeletethere are custom made la bro..u have to go to machine shop buy the aluminium plate n cut it accoring to the shape of oem water jacket.it would be easier if u bring one of your oem water jacket which available at spare part shop
ReplyDeleteAsalamulaikum . Cikgu. Klau saya pakai blok 83mm gsr . Size blok 83mm tu bole lenjan tk?
ReplyDeleteAssalam bro.Saya budak baru blajar. nak tanya aktif lagi ke blog ni?. Banyak yg nk ditanya dgn otai2 sini tentang sc piston ni untuk 4g93t saya ni.