piston skirt should be grainded. this pisture was taken before cutting. take a look at the skirt, it will hit between your crank counter weight. i've seen some foreman have not done this correctly and result to engine failure

cut the piston as pictured belows

some people haven't cut the piston skirt and some cut it streight flat.It's the wrong way to do it cause reduction in reliability of your engine. why? you must leave a few tail like a tri-angle in the picture. this is to maintain 81mm of piston dimension. 81mm is actually taken at the skirt and not from top of the piston. try to measure using vernier caliper, u'll find that the top one will less than 81mm.

let me show you the different from left GSR, 4AGZE and CA18 piston.
CA18 83mm in size. another picture is GSR piston and arrow shows that oil feeder path line while compare to 4AGZE is just streight and flat which alot more oil can be feeded through the piston wall

Brand new original pistons frm 4AGZESupercharger -Piston original ART Toyota factory Made in Japan100%-Size 81mm & 81.5mm only. 82mm not in production-piston with ceramic coating and made ofalloy grade AC8a Grade for durability-2 types 8.9.1 compressed low flat type &8.0.1 super low compression type -Suitable for turbocharged Toyota 4age16&20v,Proton/Mitsu 4g91/92/93t gsr,HondaB16/18,Ford Lynx RS,etc-Original & complete kit with 20mm pins, clipsand rings NPR/RIK Japan
Great info n details u hv there...as im in progress of bot my car 4g92p
ReplyDeletegood luck. this is a nice things to know b4 buying anything for ur bot.
ReplyDeleteHey. Great info. May I know the flat type piston is equipped in which Toyota model. How the compression ratio will be if I put it in 4g92 anyone done that ?
ReplyDeleteflat type piston is from Toyota 4AGE 1.6L DOHC 1988-1992 MR2. and i belief the C ratio would'nt be much different, bore and stroke almost the same depanding on gasket and shape of ur head combustion area. still around 8.9:1..so if i put in this case i will use the piston plus 1.8 Metal gasket and running +-1.3bar of boost with proper mngt and fuel system
ReplyDeletethanks arjuna, since the pin is 20mm, means the pin end of the connecting rod has to be grinded by 1mm. will it affect the reliability?
ReplyDeleteyup..graining to 1mm not an issue, provided the bronze bushing on small end also change to a bigger one it will last longer. however without changing it i'm not really sure but try not to..
ReplyDeletearjuna...piston 4 agze nk msuk pada enjin gsr guna conrod ape yerk?? sbb piston pin 4agze 20mm dan standard gsr 19mm..boleh ke modified gsr conrod tuk masuk piston supercharger nie??
ReplyDeletepiston ni bole pakai dgn conrod nissan CA18det, mazda B8 210, gsr pon bole..pakai yg mana2 skali pon mesti kene modified..CA18 pin 20mm da kire ngam. tp kalu piston 4agze + conrod GSR kene modified bush bearing pada pin conrod..ramai je org yg buat, rod gsr 19mm besar kn jd 20mm..
ReplyDeleteif i wan made my gsr become 380hp use this super charge piston ok ?? may i have the detail of the piston cut the skirt ... becoz i hard explian to the foreman ... thank a lot
ReplyDeletei used this piston up to 300 hp with TD05..i wish to have bigger turbo like gt2871.if u got a turbo similar like this it is not posible to go up to 400hp with this setup..if correct supporting mods, yes u can use this piston..go for it. but some point to remember is..
ReplyDeletethe weakest point of this piston is the ring and ring land..be save to boost no more than 1.8 bar. if u have big turbo make sure rpm shouldt NOT exceed 6500 (full boost) with oem or ca18 con rod.
please share if u achieve ur target with 400 hp. hope u will get the marks..
i dont have the real detail to cut the piston skirt..but i can tell u this...there is no vernier measurement involve..just cut it as long as it is clear from crank shaft..maintain the shape of skirt with others piston. look at my picture the piston was cut more more than enough.if u look closely it was'nt cut properly and the shape also not really even.so i hope u can do more better than this. try to put the piston on conrod and crank shaft to see the simulation of rotation, then u will understand better.
ReplyDeletesalam...arjuna sory la aku lambt pickup skit...aku skrng br nak projek enjon blacktop aku....da bli piston ca18 n/a...nak pakai rod 4a blacktop tu bole ka??sbb aku try kasi masuk cun,tp mcm tlampau senang masuk...pin ca18 de 20mm kan??tlng reply bro
ReplyDeletealamak..sory..saya x berape pandai engine 4a blacktop..pin ca18 std 20mm. nak masuk rod 4a tu kat engine mane?. satu lg soklan..conrod may be bole masuk, tp bole pusing ikut crank x?
ReplyDeleteNk tnye sikit..piston n conrod ca18t masuk kat blok gsr...brp max boost blh bukak..piston blh tahan sampai brp hp?tq bro..
ReplyDeletesaya tak penah test brape max boost yg ca18 ni bole tahan. Org lain ade cakap bole tahan sampai 2 bar lebih, tp entah2 die org sendiri tak penah test atau pon sbb nk jual barang.
ReplyDelete.saya akan boost setinggi yg bole kalau ade management(ECU aftermarket). kalu xde management boost 1.5 bar piston wiseco pon bole cair.
kesimpulan conrod CA18+ piston SC
..ECU std max boost= 1 bar jer.
ECU programmable max boost= 2 bar pon bole
utk info anda say pakai boost 1.5bar (microtech)..itu yg bole saya dapat sbb minyak xcukup
Sory bro...saya lupa nk info..memang saya runing microtech dgn head mivec..injector 450..ingat nk up jgk p 510..crank 94...takut jgk piston ca18 tu xblh tahan kalau hp tinggi..ingat nk boost 1.2 je
ReplyDeletesaya x tau brape HP max piston ni bole tahan, tp awak running sampai 500 hp x? sbb kalau ade management saya x risau pon.
ReplyDelete1) run injector 510
bile tebo size lebih kurang TD05/ dyno x cukup minyak.
2) nak run boost 1.2?
biasenye kene dyno baru kite tau brape boost limit utk setup kite.
kesimpulannye TUNING yg menentukan piston tu bole tahan atau pon x..
nape awak pakai crank 94 ye? ade high cam atau x pada head mivec? n tebo pakai ape? semua soklan ni menentukan supporting mod awak.
Saya pun x tau brp hp dpt..sbb dyno boost 1bar je piping intercooler asyik cabut..bt mse skg ni budget blm ada lg nk dpt high cam,injector 800-1000cc dgn tebo ar70..x tau le bile blh dpt..main/conrod bearing baru runing brp km bro?saya pakai king..crank 94 time tu pomen offer sbb ade simpan..saya pun belum try lg..x tau respon mcm mane..keta x siap2 lg.
ReplyDeleteTebo td05 je skg
ReplyDeletehose asyik tecabut?..nnt saya post gamba macamner nak kasi tak tecabut dgn menggunakan kos yg murah tapi cantek. bearing running x banyak sbb kete duk kat umah je x bejalan pon..jalan pon bile g dyno n track..crank 94 akan naik kan torque engine awak..tp rev awak tak kan tinggi. jadi kalu x kene dgn setting engine, HP awak pon x tinggi.
ReplyDeletetorque ibarat = Malik Noor(kuat sbb body builder)
HP ibarat = watson nyambek (sprinter).
jd...kalu awak ade torque yg tinggi, awak kene ade lebih pelaburan pada engine, baru lah ade manafaat pada crank 94.
pada saya kalu awak pakai TD05,awak belom lagi memaksimum kan crank 94 ni.
walau ape pon awak skrg da pakai crank tu kite cube cari resepi yg bole maksimum penggunaan crank 94 ni.kalu saya dpt idea nnt kite kongsi same2..
Ok...tq bg info tu bro..tp pasai bearing conrod tu sye x brp paham..kalau tukar baru nk bg masak sampai blh rembat nk kene runing brp jauh?atau tukar baru je dh boleh rembat?
ReplyDeleteconrod bearing...hmm..subjective sikit pasal bearing ni.
ReplyDeletetukar bearing baru memang trus bole rembat..tak perlu running. cume pada saya se-elok2 nya tunggu sampai next tuka minyak itam, supaya sume deris metal kluar.
pasal bearing ni saya sebenarnye mengguna kan cara pemasangan yg berbeza skit dari workshop biase buat, tp saya takan post dlm blog ni, sbb resepi tu sy belaja dr Jo1 racing.
ape pon yg penting kene buat pada bearing:
1. pakai plastic gauge (nnt sy post)
2. pakai torque wrench ( sgt3 penting)
3. cleance check utk thrust washer
4. Minyak Itam- jgn pakai brand mcm HKS, blizt, jasma mereka ni bukan specialist utk buat minyak itam. kalu castrol magnatec cr yg betol2 ori. kalu bole pakai minyak itam yg dtg dari dlm tin( minyak dr jepun).daiki ke shenzo sumo atau torco lucas. beli brand yg manufacture die memang buat minyak itam sahaja. saya syor minyak Polytron. saya dah try dan xkan ubah minyak lain. bukak youtube taip polytron lubricants.
Tq info pasai bearing tu...ermm..kedai mane yg sye blh dpt minyak daiki,shenzo,polytron tu?4 liter ke minyak tu n berapa harge nye..polytron tu tgk dlm youtube mcm menarik je..kedai perfomence blh dpt ke bro?milege brp km bru tukar minyak bru?
ReplyDeleteFuel pum walbro mcm mne nk beza ori atau x bro?
ReplyDeleteminyak tu dalam mudah pon ade..cume polytron je yg kene oder pakai dealer..sy pon x kenal sgt dealer tu.sy oder ikut org tgh..rm140 semi..tp cube contact polytron lubricant malaysia kat PJ
ReplyDeletefuel pump walbro sy x tau mcmner nak beza kan ori atau x..tp sy beli dekat kedai yg betol2 confident je..tp sy penah tgk sendiri china punye..china punye pump kalu tgk kat dalam lubang bukan bentuk mcm gerotor..bentuk die mcm sirip kipas banyak2..tu yg sy penah jumpe..tp x mustahil walbro china bole copy sebijik mcm ori termasuk brg dalaman walbro.
ReplyDeleteTu yg risau sikit coz org ckp walbro dh banyak tiruan..dpt yg china dh jadi kes naya pulak..nk beza sendiri mmg x pandai la.blh bg idea x kat kedai mana blh dpt yg ori..harge penah tanya 300.sy dok area petaling je..
ReplyDeletekalu PJ dekat je bole pegi sunway dan pegi 3 kedai shj. sama ada millenium motosport (joshua), Ken Racing atau N1 racing. sy confident kalu beli fuel pump dgn die org sbbdie org dah lame import brg, harge lebih kurang je..kalu mahal sikit pon sy x kesah janji ori.
ReplyDeleteSy ade head mivec+piston supercas flat 81.5mm+conrod duratech dgn bearing acl nk running turbo td05 injector 510 dgn microtech...kalau nk pakai metal 2.0mm ok ke?nk pakai dkt blok 1.8 bkn blok gsr..blh high boost dgn high rev x?oil jet dgn balencing sy dh buat..tq
ReplyDeletekenape pakai 2.0mm? head da penah skim banyak kali ke? piston pupercas flat tu same mcm dlm gambo kat atas ke? kalu same ok la sbb compression ratio 8:0 sesuai.
ReplyDeletetapi kalu u pakai piston yg betol2 flat tu, u elok pakai 2.0mm/ lagi tebal.. minyak ron 97 atau higher octane.kalu bole intercooler tu pakai evo8 atau setaraf. dgn ade programable ecu sy rase xde masalah.
oil jet= wajib (melainkan kalu pakai weseco sbb ade coating kat tepi)
balancing= saya tak penah buat balancing ni..
high rev= kene naik dyno dulu, tengok power baru bole tentukan same ade bole high rev atau tak. sbb tak guna kite paksa engine kalu power band kita tak naik dekat hujung rpm. buat rosak enginejer. jadi high rev ni bergantung pada camshaft yg u pakai.
Piston tu bkn super low..yg flat punya 8.9.1..salah beli x blh tukar dh.sebab dh lma sgt simpan..head bru sekali skim je..intercooler plk dh dpt yg ori vr4 je..nape pakai intercooler evo8 dgn ron97,higher octane?untuk respon cpt ke?buat balancing ni ade effect ape2 x kat enjin?camshaft plk mcm mne nk tau sesuai atau x?maaf sebab bnyk tanye..saya bru nk blaja pasai ni..
ReplyDeletepangjang cite ni, tp sy cube ringkas kan..kalu x paham tanye lg.
ReplyDeletepiston yg flat tu compression tinggi (8.9:1 pada block 1.6, kalu block 1.8 lg la tinggi).
bile comp tinggi engine ade potensi utk knock. bile ade knock ade potensi utk engine pecah,lebih2 lg pada rpm tinggi.
mod yg boleh kurang kan knock:
-intercooler beso n efficient mcm evo8
-ron97 atau higher mcm e85 ethanol.
-running low boost
-retard ignition timing pada rpm tinngi.u ade microtech xde masalah.
-pakai boost cooler dll.
sume ni tujuan utama adalah utk save engine dari pecah(knock yg terlampau).
kalu sy jd awak, mmg sy amik 2.0mm metal kalu bole lg tebal kalu ade. VR4 intr bole try tp lg elok kalu dpt beso sikit lg evo3 pon paling kecik. dan kalu bole cari tuner yg ade knock detector( kalu x bole pon xpe).
balancing ni smooth kn engine pd high rpm. bagus la tu kurang vibration=more save= more power.
ReplyDeletecam shaft= bergantung u nk buat kete utk ape. na n turbo x same. kalu engine 4g93 ni sy akan...
-track racing mcm full f1 circuit: sy pakai 280
-track S.N.F. atau dato sagor:pakai 260,270
kalu Drag : 280 atau 290
kenape? sbb cam design utk pick up n top speed x same. lebih tepat lg cam utk respond pada low rpm n high rpm x same. melainkan MIVEC.
cam 270 ke bawah sesuai utk track/drift 280 ke atas sesuai utk drag.
nak tau mane yg sesuai sebelom beli kene tgk banyak dyno sheet org lain yg pakai cam.
memang cam ni xde banyak pilihan tp kie kene tgk banyak factor utk pilih satu cam.
ReplyDeletenape sy pilih jun 280:
-sbb utk time attack full track. cam ni start respond pada rpm5200 smp ke 7400(dyno). jadi rev limit saya buat rpm 8000.
utk race dlm tack sy kene maintain rpm 5000 ke atas. jadi sy x sesuai la sy race kat litar dato sagor atau gymkhana. susah xde pick up.
- sbb sy pakai turbine housing yg sesuai utk pick up(low rpm). kalu saya pakai turbo mcm GT35, cam 280 dah tentu respon cam sy start pada 6000 rpm. susah la nak men track xde pick up. kalu men drag mmg cun la.
- bile rev limit da tinggi engine oil system pon kene mod jgk.(tp mod ni sy takkan publish dlm blog ni.
Tak de masalah kalu byk tanye. sbb sy pon ade lg yg msih blaja lg pasal ni.
lg satu sbb nape 280 sbb engine+ turbo yg saya pakai bole capai full boost pd 5000 rpm..x cepat n x lmbt sgt respond.just nice utk saya.kalu sy nk tuka cam pon saya cari 270 utk lg pick up dan rev limit sy mungkin akan turun kn lepas dyno result.
ReplyDeletesaya punya gsr 93t pakai piston yg 8.9.1. conrod gsr...
Deleterisau jgk sbb baca2 ni tkut enjin pecah jgk..
loni boost 1 bar saja..m/gasket lupa dah brap 1.8/2.0mm..
ada magement n recip..
kata member2..kalu fine tune n ada management x da mslah kalu nk layan..
tp skali sekala terfikir jgk kot2 tkut pecah...
tdo5 / 510.
sbb ada yg buat pakai piston 8.9.1 boost 1.2-1.5 , garret/ tdo5 20g..injek paling kurang pon 510/560 ke ats la..
Deletemcm ok saja...tp katanya syarat kena ada management n fine tuning la,,,
mcmana plak klau gitu? bleh ke tak boleh...
ingin berkongsi n br jgk k bljr...
pakai piston 8.9 flat xde masalah..kalu power awak sampai 300 lebih lame2 piston ni akan ade masalah dan x tahan lame..kenapa? sbb permukaan piston skirt kecik utk cover 81mm dan bole melemahkan piston ring land. kalu ignition tinggi mase full boost mmg bole pecah.kalu mingak tak cukup pon piston akan jd terlalu panas dan akan pecahkan piston jgk.
ReplyDeletekalau saya ape yg perlu buat adlh naik dyno..baru kita tau brape boost selamat, injektor cukup atau pon x, fuel pump cukup atau pon x. awak da kluar duit utk buat injin, ape salah awak test dyno utk tau engine awak selamat atau pon x, kos pon bawah seratus jer.
sy lebih suke kalu pasang emanage dr awak buat rechip..sbb rechip ni bukan tuning utk engine awak..rechip ni hanya tuning dr engine kete lain yg mod dekat2 dgn engine awak.jd x sesuai..
utk engine sy, sy tuning sendiri atas dyno, bile org tanye benda yg paling penting adalah management..kalu x jgn mod dan jgn boost lebih dr 1 bar pon.
dah jgk naik dyno...setkt ni xde apa2 mslah sgt...cuma tork katanya tinggi sket...dan f/pump nk kena upgrade skit lg...mcm x ckp myak ujung rpm...
Deleteset pd 1 bar saja...cam pakai NA saja...buat kt Jo1. management e-mange saja. Ada jgk plan nk dyno lg..tp tunggu upgrade beberapa brg lg.. tq di atas komen anda.
jgn lupe tuka fuel filter ye sblm dyno..jgn sbb filter yg harge murah tu awak kene dyno 2 3 kali..
ReplyDeleteNak tanya ckit.. Skrg ni sy ade nak upgrade piston s/c, rod plak mgkn nak pkai ca18@vtec.. Dan 272 cam duratech.. Sy hanya pakai safc2 utk tune.. Adakah ok ataupun kene pkai emanage? Boost pulak 1.5 piston s/c n rod ca18/vtec bley tahan x? Soryy byk tanya..
ReplyDeleteboost 1.5 dgn piston n rod ni xde masalah tp yg penting ada management. saya dulu rod ca18 piston sc boost smp 1.7 tp dgn microtech. sy bole boost tinggi lg tp injector 510 ron95 td05 jd minyak x cukup. so sy recomen stand alone. tp kalu piggy back elok amik e-manage skali dgn ignition harness. safc hanya bole save injin tambah minyak kalu x cukup tp, power engine awak yg sepatutnye bole pegi tinggi x dapat sbb safc x bole control ignition.
ReplyDeletexpe kalu byk tanye..kite kongsi minat yg same jd xde masalah...
Sifu arjuna, nak tanya pasal ca18 + sc piston.. face piston mesti da rendah few mm dari block.. its tat ok ke? Tak kan ade problem ke? Use how many mm gasket? 2mm gasket ok x? I takut knocking.... bro recoment kan i... da 4 hari buat reseach kat internet.. pening..
ReplyDeletesifu arjuna, if i use piston sc C ratio 8.0:1 + OEM 93 conrod + 2mm metal gasket on 1.8 block its that ok ? 1 more question.. valve kena permukaan piston sc8:1 tak? sebab... jenis flat piston sc ade 4 mata valve yg dalam....
ReplyDeleteca18 + sc piston will flat n same level dgn deck bro.kalu tgk spec ca18 stroke mmg pendek sket compare dgn gsr, but actually conrod same panjang. it is because crankshaft ca18 dimension. so piston height + ca18 rod xde issue few mm below 1.8 deck.
ReplyDeleteto get actual metal gasket thickness u kene isi minyak dlm combustion area utk dptkan amount of cubic centimeter.
Yg i buat sc low comp piston 1.5 metal with 18degree ignition@boost 1.7 ron95 with td05 so far xde knocking lg. kalu ur cylinder head da byk skim than better pakai 2mm gasket. some more u nak pakai flat piston so i recommend u pakai 2mm gasket.
sc flat piston i x penah buat lg so i x sure kalau valve pokect x cukup dalam. tp kalu xde seramic coating than what u need to do is clear any sharp edges to prevent any hot spot n lead to knocking.
Ty sifu.. da paham. 1 more opinion, TOTO JAPAN B8T PISTON 83mm + 93 conrod + bearing normal + 20mm metal ( head da max skim) boleh tahan boost tak block setting like tat? Berape bar boleh sampai? Sifu opinion... tyty
ReplyDeleteno body in the world can tell you how much boost u can running unless if you go for tuning. base on your setup you should go for tune and your engine will determine how much boost suitable. not you who the one to decide. the engine will decide it. so no worry how much boost should you run. but a rough figure td05 with supporting mod can go 1.5 bar. ems + tuning is very2 important.
ReplyDeletebare in mine that brake specific fuel consumption is different from one engine to another. so TUNING...
ReplyDeleteHow much the price for 4 agze piston (sc)new..
And suitable conrod for this piston..
Target hp 250-300...
For gsr ck...
For track usage is it durable...
sc piston cost around 700 ringgit new. it is suitable with ca18 rod as it pin diameter is 20mm but not sure whether it suit ur ck. i think it can. no such thing durable unless forged engine how ever it is reliable if u done n install it precisely. as u see above post i done it successfully but there are few things that not being published which possibly can make ur engine more reliable.
ReplyDeleteSifu Arjuna I want use 4a piston to my 4g93t gsr.but the formen cut the piston skirt strait.can use ah sifu
ReplyDeleteyup still can used..still can run or pushing to full boost, no prob..but reliability not really sure..ur engine MAY suffer a little piston wiggle later on. as i mention above 81mm piston diameter is measured at piston skirt..if u cut it straight u may get 80+mm piston diameter.
ReplyDeleteSifu Arjuna how much torque tension to conroad bearing and head bolt
ReplyDeleteMorn,bro,,,i ade 4g93 standard gaban,,,nk up grade engine...tp buget ringan2 jer,,,bg advise sket
ReplyDeleteBos nak tanye ... piston sc ngan conrod gsrt ..macam mane nak tahu conrod kita pasang tak terbalik?
ReplyDeleteXde care kita nk tau selain kita bukak atau pasang...rod bearing lock key tu mesti berada di sebelah ekzos
ReplyDeleteRod torque 30-38lb....head 60-65lb
ReplyDeleteHello sifu.. nak minta pendapat.. engine sy 4g93t gsr ck.. piston 82 mm wiseco forged.. conrod duratech.. head gasket 2mm..tebo gt35...ar.63 turbine...microtech lt9c... nak tanya kalau guna 1 fuel pump 400lph.. injector 1200cc... cukup tak minyak supply? Sbb ingat mmg taknak pakai external fuel pump.... minta pendapat sifu... tq
ReplyDeleteBsfc...sume engine fuel consumption x same utk max power( brake specific fuel consumption)..tapi kalu ikut experience..1x 225 lph dgn std ori fuel filter pon cukup utk setup ni..tp pendapat sy lebih suke 2x 255 internalpump dr pki satu400 lph. Utk jwb soklan 1x400 lph mmg da cukup..go with it..make sure pump ori.
ReplyDeleteBro.. Machine shop anta dekat mana.. Bole share x? Tmpt sy slalu anta ni makin teruk quality kerja dorg ni.. Sy area kl..
ReplyDeleteSy pecaye buat kat ah fai pj..utk rebore setakat ni alhamdulillah..cun dan recommended jgk..
ReplyDeleteNi ah fai yg pakai toyota lama tu ke? Bro bole bagi no fone dia ? Tq
DeleteDia bole bt utk performance x? Mcm potong skirt piston tu..bt Valve pocket.. Bt groove piston pin.. Etc....
ReplyDelete010-5662479..haah die buat utk performance jgk..ramai jgk yg kaki drag anto..kalu anto piston supercas utk msk gsr, die mmg da tau camne nk potong...kite xyah susah2 nk ukur
ReplyDeleteOk.. Tq bro.. :)
DeleteSifu arjuna,nak tanya sikit pasal enjin lain boleh x?saya sekarang pening resipe utk wira mirage (4g61t)..enjin saya tgh kong sbb piston no3 dah patah piston ring dan blok enjin dah calar..saya dah google dan bnyk pendapat pomen2..pomen saya suruh taruk blok 4g63 evo terus..tapi susah la sbb x legal on tge road..punch number enjin..so di sini nak tanya sifu apa lagi boleh buat kat 61t selain tukar evo terus..sbb google piston 61t nih saiz 82.3mm kot..pastu nah korek masuk piston apa sesuai?b8 plak saiz 83mm tapi b8 turbo ke b8 na?pastu ca18 pun ok x utk korek blok 61t ni?pastu stroker ngan conrod saya nak pakai yg 61t lagi..boleh ke ngam ngan piston b8 atau ca18 nih?sya xdak management atau apa..turbo pun std lagi..metal head gasket dah pakai sebelum ni masa top verhaul..tapi x ingat tebal bape..nak buat ni bukan nak gila kuasa pun..nak bg enjin hidup and boleh layan bosting sikit2 je..so apa cadangan dan pendapat sifu?harap dapat maklum balas..ty..
ReplyDeleteKalu sy..sy masuk blk piston std 61t..re-overhaul blk engine..tp engine awak ni ade masalah..piston ring patah mesti ade sbb..ade yg x match..dan 1001 sbb yg bole jd x match..fuel pump, reg,ecu boost contrl,,setting boost cntrlr, injector,ignition sensor terlqlu advance dan mcm2..lps overhaul sy suggest diagnos dulu utk dptkn tuning engine yg std
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih bro mazrun esro..cuma problem skang blok dah calar la bro.terpaksa rebore jugak.sbb tu pilihan saya 83mm b8 turbo.besar 0.5mm sket je dr std 61t..fuel pump baru jasma 255lph,fuel reguletor ok..yg lain2 tu x pandai sangat..huhu.barang enjin lain semua std lg..cuma pasnih nk cari safc je buat tuning + dyno..harap2 boleh la memboosting kembali..huhuh..
DeleteHow much i can boost on 4g92 sohc with forged con rod and ca18 pistons? i can achieve a 250-300ps?
ReplyDeleteNo body in this world can tell u how much boost can u do..its 100% rely on ur tuning..if ur engine lean on 1bar would u increase ur boost up to 2bar? Get ur car un dyno then u will increase boost progresively according to ur tuning UNTIL no more increase in power/hp/torque...then u know u have maximise ur boost...u may achieve 300ps depanding on ur turbo capability, but as 4g92 u wont make much torque.
ReplyDeleteNo body in this world can tell u how much boost can u do..its 100% rely on ur tuning..if ur engine lean on 1bar would u increase ur boost up to 2bar? Get ur car un dyno then u will increase boost progresively according to ur tuning UNTIL no more increase in power/hp/torque...then u know u have maximise ur boost...u may achieve 300ps depanding on ur turbo capability, but as 4g92 u wont make much torque.
ReplyDeleteTuning service? Ecu tuning ke?.. sy xde buat tuning service..tp sy ade wideband n sy tune sendiri..n kalu nk tune..atau blaja tune..meh la dtg..same2 kite blajo...wassup 0136227026
ReplyDeleteTuning service? Ecu tuning ke?.. sy xde buat tuning service..tp sy ade wideband n sy tune sendiri..n kalu nk tune..atau blaja tune..meh la dtg..same2 kite blajo...wassup 0136227026
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum bro arjuna
ReplyDeleteNak tanya...sekarang sy pkai 4g93dohc na. Kalo sy nak masuk turbo pakai blok NA ni boleh x? Nak kena mod apa2 x? Head boleh pakai balik x? Cuba bro arjuna bg resepi sempoi sikit..Hehe..
1) piston??
2) rod??
3) injector??
4) fuel pump??
5) metal gasket brpa mm??
6)dan lain2 lg.
Utk makluman,enjin sy standard lagi,cuma pkai trotel body S90 70mm dan intake skunk. Tapi,running guna LT10s...Hehe...
Tq bro arjuna..
Motorsport Never End
Satu lagi..
ReplyDeleteSy bukan kaki drag atau apa2,cuma nak power sikit jer... Agak2 bleh tapau vtec 2liter ok la..Hehe...#jgn marah abam2 honda
Block na xdw masalah..bole pki..tp elok tambah oil jet sbb block na xde oil jet..sy pon pki block na..sbb block lame da crack..make sure block xpenah tuka sleeve baru..head bole pki blk..
ReplyDeletePiston..rod injector sume tu nak pki utk setup turbo ke?..resepi utk na ke? Biase turu ke resepi org..yg penting kite tau setiap function dan kepentingan..kalu turbo ni involve dgn component2 yg bekait antara satu same len.
Oo ok.. dekat blok NA ada lubang nak pasang oil jet tu x?. Blok sy masih dara rasanya.. Beli dari hafkat,terus pasang jer. Klau boleh pkai blok NA ni,maka,jimat lah sikit kos nya..Hehe.. Sy nak setup utk turbo. Kalu bro arjuna bleh bg sedikit info2 tentang component2 yg perlu di upgrade,atau tambah ke utk nak convert turbo ni,sy dengan rasa rendah diri mengucapkan berbanyak2 ribuan terima kasih. Kita memiliki hobi dan minat yg sama...
ReplyDelete# motorsport never end
Terimakasih bro
Oo ok.. dekat blok NA ada lubang nak pasang oil jet tu x?. Blok sy masih dara rasanya.. Beli dari hafkat,terus pasang jer. Klau boleh pkai blok NA ni,maka,jimat lah sikit kos nya..Hehe.. Sy nak setup utk turbo. Kalu bro arjuna bleh bg sedikit info2 tentang component2 yg perlu di upgrade,atau tambah ke utk nak convert turbo ni,sy dengan rasa rendah diri mengucapkan berbanyak2 ribuan terima kasih. Kita memiliki hobi dan minat yg sama...
ReplyDelete# motorsport never end
Terimakasih bro
Kalau gini punya setup ok x?
ReplyDelete1) blok NA + oil jet
2) piston 81.5 supercas # comp.ratio xtau???
3) metal gasket 1.5mm
4) conrod ca18det
5) bearing ACL
6) injector evo 510cc
7) walbro 255lph
Ok x?? Komen sikit bro arjuna... apa perlu tambah,apa perlu kurang...tq tq
Kalau gini punya setup ok x?
ReplyDelete1) blok NA + oil jet
2) piston 81.5 supercas # comp.ratio xtau???
3) metal gasket 1.5mm
4) conrod ca18det
5) bearing ACL
6) injector evo 510cc
7) walbro 255lph
Ok x?? Komen sikit bro arjuna... apa perlu tambah,apa perlu kurang...tq tq
Ada lagi nasi tambah....Hehehe...
ReplyDelete8) turbo tdo5h
9) evo7 intercooler
Block na xde lubang oil jet kene anto machine shop..buat lubang fit2 n stoper oil jet..setup ok..tp benda2 len pon penting mcm fiel regulator..kalu xde kene pki regulator evo..yg paling penting management MESTI ade..kalu x xyah la nk buat mod mcm kat atas..xde mngt xdpt fully utilize mod ni.piston compr ratio kane tau jgk..kalu xdpt ukur pin xpe janji tau piston comp ratio model mane...kalu dome tinggi maybe kn pki minyak mahal dgnx ignition tuning atau timing yg rendah bila boost..ini perlu utk bg idea pd tuner..so tuner akan ade idea kalu timing terlalu tinggi lg bile boost.
ReplyDeleteSalam. Mmg terbaik lah bro. Byk info menarik. Sy tgh nk masukkan piston sc. Nasib dpt info.. klu x mmg potong flat piston sc.
ReplyDeleteSalam bro2 sume, budak baru nk blajar nk tanya sket ni, skarang ni sy nk mod enjin 4g67 na, nk masuk turbo, boleh ke pakai piston toyota tu? Conrod nk kne buat ke atau ada conrod laen yg boleh masuk? Pastu nk pakai crankshaft 4g63 boleh ke? Ape beza nya antara dya crankshaft ni? Pastu, klo nk masuk kn turbo, oil squirters tu kne buat jgk x? Baik kawan tanye dr kawan memandai2, hihi
ReplyDeleteKt mane blh bt pin gsrt 19mm jd 20mm area kl
ReplyDeleteKt mane blh bt pin gsrt 19mm jd 20mm area kl
ReplyDeletesalam sifu arjuna..nk tnya kalo piston supercas 8.9.1 cr msuk 4g93t lepastu metal gasket 2mm..head penah skim 2 kali...okay x sifu? running high cam 272 dan td05 20g..
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikumm...boleh meet up ke ngn bro arjuna ni...
ReplyDeleteterbaik blog ni..