standard GSR intake magnifold with throttlebody..kotor laa...

here is the base for custom intake..can see the injector port at alluminum plate n it gonna be sandwiched with gasket and stainless steel plate..this is a prototype which is not proper of fabrication n design..there is also a harden alluminum crank pulley which self made by lay mechine..it is not an aftermarket item which available in any performance shop..it's about 1/3 lighter than original pulley..

stainless steel tube been cut to meet the magnifold shape and walded using arc walding mechine..

and this what does it look like when complete...

here we can see how the attachment of alluminum and stainless steel..there is a gasket in a middle and i also put a glue on it...before that i required to cut inside the holes for better air flow..

here is the base for custom intake..can see the injector port at alluminum plate n it gonna be sandwiched with gasket and stainless steel plate..this is a prototype which is not proper of fabrication n design..there is also a harden alluminum crank pulley which self made by lay mechine..it is not an aftermarket item which available in any performance shop..it's about 1/3 lighter than original pulley..

stainless steel tube been cut to meet the magnifold shape and walded using arc walding mechine..

and this what does it look like when complete...

haaha...then i spayed with zichromac primer..before put color on it..this is to make the colour stick on it..as we know that difficult to spray stainless steel..where did i get this..heheee
pic after sprayed with colour..opsss..forgot to weld with vacum port, throttle cable n coil plug braket...it's only has a braket for injector..aiyaaa..takde hal..sendili bikin chaa...

here we can see how the attachment of alluminum and stainless steel..there is a gasket in a middle and i also put a glue on it...before that i required to cut inside the holes for better air flow..
haaa..vacum and servo brake port including all braket welded...
siap jugak beb...
sempoi custom intake neh..
ReplyDeletegood job brader!
intake custom ni pakai kejap jer..saje nk try..sbb buat dr stainless steel ni cepat panas..