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Thursday, August 25, 2011

4g93t GSR cylinder block

I have done 2 unusual things and rarely made by someother people to the engine block..

1) zinc chromate coating (green colour) for surface protection than later srayed with grey colour

2)I had replaced all the water jacket with alluminium alloy plate as picture belows.the benefit of doing it is, it will last longer and reduce corrosion that leads to leaking and high engine temperature...

after installation of piston and con rod. ensure for free of rotaion.

this is what i forgot to mention in the early post. the arrow shows piston skirt that has been grainded. without grainding it will hit the crank .

installing the oil pump and wiper seal

anther one more thing to mention is.. the arrow show CA18 bearing key, which is different in location compared with original GSR. key for GSR is at the edge of the big end. so make sure you buy CA18's conrond bearing to fit in your engine.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4AGZE piston (supercharger) on 4G93t engine

i use a set of piston from 4AGZE engine. it is originated by ART and i brought brand new. these piston claimed as semi forged type by toyota. may be "semi forged" meaning for the ceramic coated on top of the piston.but for sure the hat coated is for more durability. compression ration is 8:1 on 1.6 liter engine..when u fit in to 1.8 it will increase the ratio higher but i don't know how much it goes. piston pin size is 20mm with retaining ring and it does't require a push or press machine to assemble the piston and conrod. what are the important things before installing this piston to your GSR..?
piston skirt should be grainded. this pisture was taken before cutting. take a look at the skirt, it will hit between your crank counter weight. i've seen some foreman have not done this correctly and result to engine failure

cut the piston as pictured belows

some people haven't cut the piston skirt and some cut it streight flat.It's the wrong way to do it cause reduction in reliability of your engine. why? you must leave a few tail like a tri-angle in the picture. this is to maintain 81mm of piston dimension. 81mm is actually taken at the skirt and not from top of the piston. try to measure using vernier caliper, u'll find that the top one will less than 81mm.

let me show you the different from left GSR, 4AGZE and CA18 piston.

CA18 83mm in size. another picture is GSR piston and arrow shows that oil feeder path line while compare to 4AGZE is just streight and flat which alot more oil can be feeded through the piston wall

Brand new original pistons frm 4AGZESupercharger -Piston original ART Toyota factory Made in Japan100%-Size 81mm & 81.5mm only. 82mm not in production-piston with ceramic coating and made ofalloy grade AC8a Grade for durability-2 types 8.9.1 compressed low flat type &8.0.1 super low compression type -Suitable for turbocharged Toyota 4age16&20v,Proton/Mitsu 4g91/92/93t gsr,HondaB16/18,Ford Lynx RS,etc-Original & complete kit with 20mm pins, clipsand rings NPR/RIK Japan

nissan CA18 conrod vs 4G93t conrod

I'm sure that most of GSR 4g93t user wanna know the differences between this two conrods, and what should we do in oder to fit them in your engine. lets have a start with dimension variations.CA18's conrod a little bit beefy compared to GSR

measurements are stated in the picture. Some say that CA18 stroke is few mm shorter than GSR. if you get it installed to 4g93 engine you will get pistons below the deck of your engine block. YES! it's true that CA18 stroke a bit short, but the CONROD actually same in length . the stroke different is due to dimention of crank shaft rotation.

CA18 engine displacement is 1.8cc with 83mm x 83.6mm stroke.

4g93t displacement 1.8cc with 81mm x 89mm stroke

Size of blots and nut also different, CA18 using 14mm and stock GSR using 12mm.

what you have to do before installation?

send all those conrod to machine shop to mill or skim at each side.take a look at the shining portion at the big end. it was reduced about 1mm per side.

next one, ensure to grind the top of end pin to make it fully round as picture belows. this is to make sure it's free from rotation when installed with 4agze piston. u may also make the lubricant hole larger by grainding.