coils may be found on cherysler 4.7 or 300m coil..
U also need a toyota's connector P/N 90980-11246. this connector comes in a set with seal and pin.
make sure wires are compatable coz one of it is batt+ignition 12v.. the rest is signal from TR unit
coil on plug COP |

here how to wire it up..base on drawing..coil signal run base on negtive/grounding type onTR unit..this diagram is for std wiring ignition system and not suitable if u are running with sequential setup.. sequential system requires for u to run the each signal wire only sequential needs an aftermarket TR like x4 or AEM ignition module.
lastly connect the 3 wire with the existing connector at ur engine harness.
Hey bro, i got a similar setup running a 4g93t, stock ecu, td05 @.9bar. Im experiencing spark blow out.. using denso iridums .4mm and still having problem so my thoughts are spark is weak considering doing an upgrade like this..
ReplyDeleteBTW what exhaust size are you using on your setup? 2.5 inch or 3 inch.. thanx.. Email me
hello exhaust is 3.5 inch bro. i have no problem on upgrading with this coil. how ever i experienced some spark blow out few times coz of others reason.
ReplyDelete1st it becoz of weak voltage supply power & grounding issue..i did batt relocation at the trunk using welding cable, after sometime the cable torn off at one of the connector terminal. i can drive the car but during WOT voltage drop below 12v..and spark blow out at d exhaust. it took me 2 months to find the prob caused. after change the cable and put my batt back in front, every thing solved.
2nd spark blow happen to me when i accidently adjust my work engineering throttle body..cause of this the tps not calibrate and resulting spark at my exhaust also.
the thing is, it is difficult to find the cause of prob like make me crazy sum more..hope i give u some idea of what to look for.
ReplyDeletecan we used this coil on plug with original gsr turbo ecu? works for std ecu..the dighram shown above is for std ecu or aftermarket ecu w/out sequential firing. currently i do have extra 4 pcs coils but no plate to fabricate for it attachment. tell me if u r interested.
ReplyDeletesalam bro kalau pakai coil kelisa mcm mane yer wiring diagram dia ..tq
ReplyDeletesalam..saya x penah buat kelisa coil yg ade 3 pin mcm kelisa 12 volt, ground, ecu signal. u kene pastikan pin ground sebab dlm coil ade transistor yg menentukan grounding..
ReplyDeleteSalam bos blh tunjuk wiring diagram
Deleteas salam..wiring diagram bole click kat gamba..tgk detail sy ade lukis dalam gamba tu.. wiring dlm gamba tu kalu tebalik pon xpe cume setiap coil perlu ade +ve and -ve..coil 1 dan 4 series, 2 - 3 series..wiring tu still waste spark..kalu sequential je lain sket..
Deletebro agak2 bepa bajet buat ni..yg set coil 2 ada masih x
ReplyDeletesaya ade satu set coil..baru dlm kotak..bro nak masuk kat evo ke gsr? satu set tu rm850.
ReplyDeleteSalam bro...tuk 4g93 n/a(putra), leh wt cmni ke?? Ade effect ape2 x? Tq
ReplyDeleteas salam..4g93 na bole bro..setup cop yg same jgk.. effect tu susah nak rase dari segi performance tp secara logic, cop akan kurang kan resistance sebab xde cable plug. power dari coil trus direct ke spark plug.
ReplyDeleteBro... pe model coil on plug tu? Brand?
ReplyDeletewat coil.can use ?
DeleteDear Arjuna, saya rasa nak power up COP untuk Kelisa saya. Boleh guna COP kereta apa kerana saya tak dapat cari yg Kelisa punya? Boleh tolong buatkan untuk saya dan brapa ongkosnya?
ReplyDeleteSy rase yg ni x sesuai..dan cop sebenarnye xboleh up power..power tetap same
ReplyDeleteSy rase yg ni x sesuai..dan cop sebenarnye xboleh up power..power tetap same
ReplyDeleteSalam bro nk tanya klau campro punya boleh x masuk kt 4g93 n/a
ReplyDeleteSalam bro nk tanya klau campro punya boleh x masuk kt 4g93 n/a
ReplyDeleteslm bro.. kalau nak pki coil 3 wyr mcm myvi ada 5v signal.. mcm mna wiring diagram..
ReplyDelete3pin coil..+ve supply satu pin..-ve satu pin utk ground.make sure grnd ni smbung pd engine(bkn body)..5v pin msk ke ecu (signal)
ReplyDelete3pin coil..+ve supply satu pin..-ve satu pin utk ground.make sure grnd ni smbung pd engine(bkn body)..5v pin msk ke ecu (signal)
ReplyDeleteSalam bro..4g93t klau rpm rendah ok...bila rpm da tinggi..jd knocking...agak2 ape mslhnye bro...??plug no 1 kerap rosak
ReplyDeleteWassup sy shaallah sy cube
ReplyDeleteWassup sy shaallah sy cube
ReplyDeletebro klu k20 plug coil boleh guna ke? dia ada 3 pin juga. so power unit tu di buang ke? direct sambung ecu?
ReplyDeleteYe msk ecu..sbb coil k20 transistor die dlm coil tu sndr..
DeleteSalam bos, pakai cop k20 ni kt 4g93 n/a klu rpm xde nk ambil dari mne utk hidupkan yew. harap bos sudi membantu masalah sy ni..
DeleteSalam Abg Mazrun, sy guna COP K20 ni kt engine 4g93 Doch.. masalah skrg ni lepas pasang COP K20 rpm kt kereta dah x hidup sampai saya punya safc pn dh x blh guna sbb rpm xde.. sy harap abg dpt membantu masalah sy ni untuk menghidupkan balik meter rpm kt kereta sy ni semula..
DeleteOwh.rpm signal ni dtg dr power tr dan jgk ecu..wire ni akan bile buang power tr..masih bole amik dr ecu..
ReplyDeleteOwh.rpm signal ni dtg dr power tr dan jgk ecu..wire ni akan bile buang power tr..masih bole amik dr ecu..
ReplyDeleteMcm mne tu abang? kurang faham.. nk kena tarik wire tacho dari socket power tr pergi ke wire rpm signal dari ecu? Mcm tu kew
DeleteAda buat pemasanga utk coil k20 kt enjin 4g91 stock ecu x???
ReplyDeleteAda buat pemasanga utk coil k20 kt enjin 4g91 stock ecu x???
ReplyDeleteAde bos..siap plate wiring..kalu nk coil skali pon boleh
ReplyDeletesalam bro, klu pakai k20 x perlu buang tr tu boleh ke
ReplyDeleteAssalm...slamat hari raya
ReplyDeleteSa ada beli coil plug siap prumah dn urutan lg..persoalnya..cara psng nya ni..prlu ada kcau ecu ke @ bleh trus smbug wire je...tq smua
Salam bos.nak tanye nie nak pakai coil k20 kat engine evo3..wiring 3 pin jln mcm mne.power tr kene buang ke..pakai ecu std evo 3...
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